The Last: Naruto the Movie by Suamynona
Two years after the events of the Fourth Shinobi World War, the moon begins to descend towards the Earth. With the moon now a meteor that would destroy everything on impact, Naruto must deal with this new threat. The crisis is caused by Toneri Ōtsutsuki, a descendant of Hamura Ōtsutsuki is determined to carry on his ancestor's legacy. He appears and kidnaps Hanabi Hyūga after failing to seize Hinata, who hoped to give Naruto a personal gift of love — a red scarf she knitted herself in remembrance of one Naruto used to wear back in the Academy — at the Konohagakure Winter Festival. Hinata is knocked unconscious and the scarf she made is damaged. Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, Sai, and Shikamaru are deployed to go and rescue Hanabi. Shikamaru is also given a special clock held only by the five Kage, which apparently is counting down to doomsday. On the journey, Naruto gradually began to realize the concept of love and Hinata's feelings. Sasuke reappears protecting Konoha from meteorites. At some point, Toneri steals Hanabi's Byakugan and implants them in his own empty eye sockets, awakening the Tenseigan sealed by Hamura's descendants over the last millennium. He also succeeds in capturing Hinata, proposing her to marry him; she "accepts" his offer, which causes Naruto to fall into a deep depression after being thoroughly beaten by Toneri.
After a three day recovery process, Naruto wakes up and sees Sakura severely weakened due to saving his life. Sakura talks with Naruto and helps him realize that Hinata truly loves him. With new-found strength, Naruto leads the charge into Toneri's moon base. Meanwhile, in Toneri's palace, Toneri asks that Hinata craft a red scarf for him, similar to the one she made for Naruto. Hinata, however, uses this as a chance to destroy the Tenseigan. Toneri catches her, encasing her in a huge bird cage, and destroying the scarf she knitted for him. Naruto's team finally catches up and a massive attack on Toneri's palace begins. The team splits then Sai and Shikamaru rescue Hanabi. Toneri, however, has managed to unlock the Tenseigan, entering Tenseigan Chakra Mode, which gives him enough power to slice the moon in half. Naruto enters Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, and a huge duel ensues. Near the end, Naruto grasps the last remaining shred of the scarf Hinata had originally made for him and seemingly redirects and channels his chakra shroud into the fist holding the scrap and delivers a devastating punch, which is enough to depower Toneri and pin him against a wall. Hinata uses this chance to retrieve Hanabi's Byakugan. Eventually, Naruto defeated Toneri, stop the moon from falling, and save Hinata. Naruto then confesses his love for Hinata and the two kiss. The movie ends with a series of flash-forwards of Naruto and Hinata's wedding and their children, Boruto and Himawari.
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